And these signs shall follow those who believe...
Jesus Christ is Lord. KPM's mission is two-fold: 1) help people awaken to the spiritual war to be free from bondage and sin and step into the "abundant life" Jesus promised, being awakened by the Holy Spirit to fight the good fight of faith and
2) equip the laborers to carry out the good works they have been predestined by God to complete in the power of the Holy Spirit, abounding in every good work.
Founding Pastor Rosi Rosas
The Lord Jesus Christ launched Pastor Rosi into full time ministry after appearing to her on an airplane on January 13, 2018 and commissioning her with the command to "rescue His sheep." She left the business world to pursue her calling and tell everyone about Jesus with a renewed sense of urgency. Today, she is an Ordained Pastor with World Ministry Fellowship and the International Congress of Churches and Ministers. She is currently enrolled in the doctoral program at Oral Roberts University. Rosi is the founding pastor of Kingdom Prayer Ministries, Inc. (KPM), which focuses on two main areas of ministry. One area includes raising up trained prayer ministers who minister healing and deliverance prayer to those in need. The other arm of ministry includes a Home Fellowship Church where we teach and preach the Word of God and assemble as the church and allow the Holy Spirit to build up the body of Christ, equipping saints for the work of the ministry.
KPM Ghana is connected with the Bible Society of Ghana. Ewe Bibles have arrived so that people in Hohoe can receive Bibles in their own language. KPM Ghana has branched out from Hohoe into two villages, Ando and Santro Kofi. The ministry purpose is based in Matthew 24:14, Acts 1:8, and Romans 15:17-21.
Insights from Kingdom Prayer Ministries, Inc.
Kingdom Prayer Ministries, Inc. believes in living the abundant life promised by Jesus Christ. We believe humans are comprised of body, soul, and spirit. When a person believes Jesus is the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead, the Holy Spirit takes residence inside that person, joined with the person's spirit and their spirit is saved. Our job then is to allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify our soul. We must kill the flesh, where sin resides and submit our soul (in our self-will, mind, emotions) to God. Once we choose to submit our soul to Jesus living inside of us and allow the Holy Spirit to govern our daily life, then we find the abundant life Jesus promised. The righteous shall live by faith!
Many people who come to us are bound up by unforgiveness. When we choose not to forgive someone, we become a prisoner of the devil. Symptoms of unforgivness are bitterness, harshness, anger, frustration, and irritability. This is why Jesus commanded us to forgive others as we have been forgiven. We have found that choosing to forgive is an act of the will and we pray for a person to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to believe in forgiveness. It takes great faith to forgive, which is why the disciples prayed for the Lord to increase their faith when Jesus commanded them to forgive and forgive (see Luke 17:5). When this happens, the person feels a great sense of relief and release when they verbally forgive a person. What follows is a deep healing in their hearts that often manifests in their physical body being healed as well.
Many people who profess faith in Jesus Christ are not living the abundant life He promised. This is because many have not understood what it means to walk by the Spirit. We get to trade in our old life for a new life in Christ but we can't have the abundant new life and keep the old life too. Jesus said we cannot pour new wine into old wine skins. Fear of the new life keeps people stuck in their old life and patterns. This is a lie from the devil because the life Jesus offers us far surpasses the old rags and pitiful lives we live prior to receiving His true life. We simply do not believe Him. Another problem is that people do not practice what we are told to do in James 4:7. We are told to, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee.” Many times a person submits to God but completely ignores the devil who is pounding on them. We must RESIST. This is something we teach during a prayer session and through our ministry.
7850 White Lane, STE E #163, Bakersfield, CA 93309